Welcome to e-Tender Portal

Thursday, April 25, 2024Forget Password

Please give your account detail, as:- Login Username, Email Address, Pan Number, Security Answer to validate your account. After successfully validating your accounnt credential`s, you would get an notification email containing your account credential`s along with account password.

This process would take 24-hours to send your password. So just wait for sometime. If you would not get your credential`s for a long, you can mail us at :- etender@owmnahar.com. Please be feel free while writing to us. You can also write us for any other concerned query, we`ll get back to you.

Please enter the following required information to retrieve password.

  • note: All fields are compulsory.

Email Address:
PAN number:
Security answer:
Security code:
Confirm code:

Ender your above security code